Life science
Life science is one of the most dynamically developing industries in the world. Also in Małopolska.

It is an interdisciplinary specialization lying on the borders of medical, biological and biochemical sciences. Here, innovations are created every day. Life science is a very broad concept. Therefore, they are divided into two groups of values:
- The first is health and quality of life. It consists of products and technologies used in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases of both humans and animals
- The second group is the bioeconomy and its semi-finished and finished products used for the production of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, food, materials and energy.
Innovation costs money. Therefore, in life science there are high R&D expenditures of Małopolska enterprises. These outlays are increasing year by year. Life science has a significant share in the profile of education for the future (a large percentage of students study biology, agriculture and environmental protection). Another condition for success in the development of specialization is the close cooperation of various environments. There is a need to transfer knowledge from university laboratories to enterprises. There is a climate for this in Małopolska. A large number of business environment institutions direct their offer to companies from the life science industry. The largest of these institutions are the Krakow Life Science Cluster, Med Cluster and the Jagiellonian Center of Innovation.