The chemical industry is a key sector of the Polish economy. It largely builds domestic exports.

Its products are used in almost all market sectors. The chemical industry is also strategic in Małopolska. The Polish Chamber of Chemical Industry considers improving innovation to be the greatest challenge for the chemical industry. Innovation is actually the only way to further develop the European chemical industry on the global market. The chemical industry will continue to undergo many significant changes, and the market will force development of modern production technologies and new materials. The specialization of Małopolska includes in particular programs aimed at implementing new compounds, materials and chemical technologies, as well as solutions in the field of chemical engineering. The industry is characterized by high labor efficiency, and new enterprises are constantly being established. It is worth noting the large scale of exports of chemical products manufactured in the region (EUR 1.3 billion in 2016). Looking at the map of Małopolska’s chemical industry centers, it can be seen that the largest players are located in Tarnów, Oświęcim, Alwernia and Skawina.