Creative and leisure industries
Poland is one of the largest exporters of creative sector products and services (no. 17 globally).

We are among the ten largest exporters of design in the world. Małopolska has a large share in this. Creative industries are one of the youngest branches of the economy. It was named only at the end of the last century when Richard Florida, an American sociologist and economist, distinguished the “creative class”. According to him, it was the source of inspiration for development of post-industrial civilization. It included scientists, researchers, inventors, artists, architects, writers, publishers, journalists, IT specialists and programmers. According to Florida, the creative class is characterized by three basic values (the so-called “3Ts”): talent, tolerance and technology. We have defined Małopolska’s specialization in a similar way. All activities within it have their source in individual abilities and talent, and have a potential to create wealth and jobs. Entities operating in creative industries are among the most active on the market in terms of devising and implementing innovations. This specialization includes creative industries, graphic design, computer games, software, industrial design, architecture, fashion and leisure industries. These include tourism, entertainment and recreation.