Nereus Association

The Association of the Network of European Regions using Space Technologies NEREUS has been active since 2007 and is the only thematic network in Europe that represents the interests of European regions using space technologies. The key role of the Association is to explore the benefits of space technologies for European regions and their citizens, and to promote the use of space and its applications. NEREUS carries out its activities as an international not-for-profit association that is funded solely by the annual membership fees of its members.
The Małopolska Voivodeship joined the NEREUS Association as a Full Member on 8 August 2022. Wishing to take advantage of the rich experience of universities and scientific and research units actively operating in the space sector, Małopolska invited four entities to participate in the Association - as Associate Members: Krakowski Park Technologiczny Sp. z o. o., AGH University of Krakow, Cracow University of Technology and The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences. In time, the University of Agriculture in Krakow and the Kosciuszko Institute joined this group, and talks are currently underway with the Ignatianum University of Kraków, which also wishes to become an Associate Member of NEREUS.
All entities have committed to working closely together for the development of space policy on a regional scale. To this end, a ‘Memorandum of Cooperation within the Association's membership’ was signed on 29 July 2022. The partners of the Memorandum declared to carry out joint activities focused around the space sector in terms of:
- to build an innovation-driven economy by creating support mechanisms for the high-tech space sector at regional level,
- to exploit the potential of space technologies to support the development of new companies (sturt-ups) or those already operating in the space technology sector,
- to promote and disseminate to public and private users the knowledge of space technologies and the possibilities of their use in everyday and professional life,
- to strengthen the potential and competitiveness of Małopolska in relation to other regions by supporting the export of domestic space technology solutions to foreign markets,
- to take action to promote the economic development of Małopolska through strengthening cooperation between the local government, the scientific sphere and the research and development sector.
Within the framework of the cooperation undertaken, the Voivodeship organises regular meetings with its partners to discuss, among other things, planned events in the region in the field of space technology or ongoing or planned projects / initiatives in the field of space technology.
Statutory objectives of the NEREUS Association:
- Bringing the regional level to the design and development of European space programmes and activities related to infrastructure and applications.
- Promoting and implementing partnerships, supporting transnational and cross-border cooperation programmes between
- European Regions to develop common or complementary means and methods, including the development of recommendations for joint projects and initiatives.
- To meet and support the end-user needs for space services offered by European Union programmes.
- To ensure the use of space services in all European Regions for the sustainable development of the European Union and the proper exploitation of space technology potential.
- To support a better promotion of the European space dimension in a globalised economy.
- To increase citizen participation in European policy-making and in the development of markets for space services.
Actions taken by the NEREUS Association to achieve its objectives:
- Gathering information on available funding sources in Europe, both public (European Structural Funds, EU Framework Programs, etc.) and private, to enable NEREUS members to plan and develop space technology projects.
- Identifying European funding opportunities to support and assist the Association's networking activities as needed.
- Organizing conventions, research seminars and educational activities for the benefit of Association members.
- Promoting and educating users (public and private) about the potential and benefits of space-related applications.
- Carrying out activities such as identifying end-users, compiling a list of common questions and needs, discussing challenges common to European Regions regarding space technology applications, identifying common ground on user needs.
- Clarifying or overseeing scientific studies, plans and updates to disseminate knowledge on space technologies.
- Issuing opinions of the NEREUS Regions on legislation and publications of common interest to the European Community; especially if it affects the objectives of NEREUS.
Full members of the NEREUS Association:
Currently, 23 European regions are among the full members of the NEREUS Association: Abruzzo, Puglia, Azores, Baden-Württemberg, Basilicata, Bavaria, Bremen, Brittany, Emilia Romagna, French Guiana, Hesse, South Holland, Madrid, Malopolska Province, Mazowieckie Province, New Aquitaine, Occitania, Podkarpackie Province, Piedmont, Tuscany, Veneto and Wallonia.
Associate Members of the NEREUS Association
Currently, among the associate members of the NEREUS Association are 35 entities, i.e. companies, institutions, universities, such as: AEIT - Spanish Association of Telecommunications Engineers, AIPAS - Association of companies involved in space activities, Airbus, ASI - Italian Space Agency, Cerema, CISAS - Interdepartmental Center for Space Research and Activities, CISIS - Interregional Center for Information, Geographic and Statistical Systems, Cite de l'Espace, CNES - National Center for Spatial Research, CNR-IREA - Institute for Electromagnetic Environmental Detection, Conftrasporto, TERN Consortium, CUT - Cyprus University of Technology, DASS Sardinia - Aeronautical District of Sardinia, Aerospace Technology District - DTA, Edisoft SA, FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency / ALR - Aeronautics and Space Agency, Aerospace Forum, Geoville Information Systems GMBH, IMT Atlantique (formerly GIS Bretel), European Institute for Technical Development I.E.S.T., IVAR (formerly CVARG) - Institute for Volcanological Research and Risk Observation, Gaspar Frutuoso Foundation Ponta Delgada University Campus, Midi-P Observatory / CNRS, Pole Mer Bretagne, POLIMI (ABC dept. ) - Polytechnic University of Milan, POLITO - Polytechnic University of Turin, SpaceTec Partners, Brest-Iroise Technology Park, Thales Alenia, University of Turin, University of Bologna, Krakow Technology Park, Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, AGH University of Krakow, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Cracow University of Technology, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regional Agency for Energy and Environment, Institute for Technology Transfer and Innovation, Kosciuszko Institute