Regional Innovation Strategy

The Regional Innovation Strategy for the Małopolska Region 2030 (RIS 2030) is a tool for the implementation of the Małopolska Region Development Strategy 2030 (SRWM 2030) in the area of Economy for the specific objective: Innovative and competitive economy. The Innovation Strategy also integrates, in connection with smart specialisations of the region, selected activities from the area of education, entrepreneurship, competitiveness, digitisation or closed economy, which are included in the SRWM 2030.
The structure of RIS 2030 is determined by the Małopolska smart specialisations - in their framework, a diagnosis of regional innovation was carried out, analytical findings were developed and strategic intervention was planned also in relation to them. In the formulation of the diagnosis, the role of individual specialisations of the region and the selection of tools, the optics of value chains was adopted. Due to the above characteristics, the Strategy is in practice also perceived as a document with the rank of a regional strategy of smart specialisations. The Małopolska smart specialisations include:
- Life sciences (including health and quality of life, bio-economy)
- Sustainable energy
- Information and communication technologies (including multimedia)
- Chemistry
- Electrical engineering and machinery industry
- Production of metals and metal products as well as products from non-metallic mineral raw materials
- Creative and leisure industries
On the basis of previous experience and potentials, the authorities of Małopolska want to build an advanced innovation ecosystem around smart specialisations, consisting of, among others, various types of innovation vehicles, development hubs, research agendas, business networks and professional institutional facilities. RSI 2030 is a signpost for those actions that are to contribute to an increase in the level of innovativeness of the region by 2030.
This objective is planned to be achieved through interventions in three strategic areas:
- Innovative background, potential and image of the region;
- Innovation and industrial transformation of enterprises;
- Trust, connectedness and knowledge diffusion in the innovation ecosystem.
The RSI 2030 is complementary with key strategic documents from the national level, i.e. the Strategy for Responsible Development, the National Strategy for Regional Development or the Productivity Strategy, and the regional level - the mentioned SRWM.