Accelerate the process: hydrogen + composites + future

About the event
About the event
We have a pleasure to present you a programme of the forthcoming VI Regional Conference. The theme of the event is related to hydrogen and hydrogen-based technologies, an important component of Sustainable Energy which is one of the seven smart specializations in the Małopolska Region.
Hydrogen has recently become a field of interest for European regions as a sustainable source of energy that will contribute to the decarbonisation agenda in multiple ways. Hydrogen sector is continuously growing and the value in collaborating on shared hydrogen issues is already recognized by many Vanguard Initiatives members. In addition, current regional and global challenges (i.e. a general increase in energy prices or the Russian aggression on Ukraine and its impact on energy sector) have forced regions to consider energy security and fuel shortages as well as energy poverty more seriously. Hydrogen technologies can be an answer for many of these maladies and hydrogen also represents a key element of the European Commission’s vision to achieve a clean, more affordable and secure energy system.
During our Conference we want to focus on the most advanced technologies, regional experiences and good practices which can accelerate the process of transformation within the sustainable energy area. We want to use this opportunity and discuss with experts and representatives of business on future challenges related to the development of hydrogen technologies. We aim at building cooperation chains between engaged parties and fostering networking. Together we can address the issues such as promoting hydrogen-based solutions across the European regions, consolidating business and science cooperation in the sector or recognizing existing barriers to the deployment of hydrogen technologies.

Check out the event schedule
10.00 – 10.05
Fair opening
Ewa Woch – Deputy chairman of the board Targi w Krakowie
10.05 – 10.15

Malopolska’s Hydrogen Activities. Challenges. Actions. Realizations
Józef Gawron – Deputy Marshal of the Małopolska Region
10.15 – 10.30

Vanguard: Join forces to innovate your industry
Reinier Zweers – Chairman of the Vanguard Initiative
10.30 – 10.35
Supporting the Hydrogen Strategy
Szymon Strzelichowski – Deputy chairman of the board of the Malopolska Regional Development Agency
10.35 – 10.50
The importance of internationalization of the activities of Polish entrepreneurs
Tomasz Salomon – Deputy Director of the Department in Ministry of Development and Technology
10.50 – 11.05

Composite + Hydrogen= the solution of the future
Andrzej Czulak – PhD, Leader of Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies
11.05 – 11.15

Introduction of Composites United with special focus on Hydrogen Activities
Dr. Bastian Brenken – Managing Director Composites United e.V. – CU Nord
11.15 – 11.30

German-Polish Trade – Still an Anchor of Stability?
Dr. Lars Gutheil – General director, Member of the board AHK Polska
11.30 – 11.45

The German Lightweight Ecosystem in a Nutshell
Dr. Rainer Müller – Senior Manager for the Lightweight Industries at Germany Trade and Invest
11.45 – 12.00

How to select the hydrogen tank solution? – Materials and Technologies
Dr. Thomas Heber – Customer Success Manager Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachsen GmbH
12.00 – 12.15

Innovative, double-sided fuel cell technology. SOFC solution of the future
Daniel Chade – PhD, Test and Validation Lead at HydrogenTech R&D
12.15 – 12.30
From ash to hydrogen
Ilja van Veen – PROTIUM P.S.A
12.30 – 12.45

Overcome challenges in future applications of hydrogen by laser technologies
Jana Gebauer – Doktorandin bei Fraunhofer IWS
12.45 – 13.00

Manage complexity and sustainability: fast and data driven road map for prototyping and industrialisation of advanced high-pressure hydrogen storage vessels
Erich Fries – Director of Global Business Development, HRC Germany Gmbh
13.00 – 13.15

Tailored lightweight solutions for the energy transition through holistic process chains
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Holger Seidlitz – Division director Polymeric Materials and Composites PYCO, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP
Dr. Mathias Köhler – Working group leaders Structural testing and analytics, Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP
13.15 – 13.30

Lightweight technologies as enablers for hydrogen-based mobility
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Maik Gude – Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment at Technische Universität Dresden
13.30 – 13.45

Michele Ferrazzini – CEO at ESE Engineering Services for Energy
Laura Semprini – Engineer at ESE Engineering Services for Energy S.r.l.
13.45 – 14.15
14.15 – 14.30

Lombardy Experiences in Real Life hydrogen applications
Sergio Torriani – Managing director, Simplifhy SB s.r.l. and delegate for LE2C Cluster
14.30 – 14.45

Innovative pathways to low carbon society
Slovenia towards the use of clean hydrogen for industry decarbonization
Prof. Blaž Likozar – Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering at the National Institute of Chemistry
Nina Meglič – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska
14.45 – 15.30
Discussion and Q&A
Meet the guests of our conference

Józef Gawron
He is the Deputy Marshal of the Małopolska Region and the councilor to the Małopolska Region Parliament from the Tarnów district. Józef Gawron is a graduate of the Cracow University of Technology, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering with the specialization in Machine Technology. He also completed post-graduate studies in IT, post-graduate studies in economics, specializing in Entrepreneurship and post-graduate studies in Healthcare Manager. Between 2015 and 2018 he held the position of the Vice-Voivode of the Małopolska Region. For his activities for the local community, he was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit by the President of Poland.

Reinier Zweers
He is is the Program manager European cooperation for the province of Gelderland (NL) and current chairman of the Vanguard Initiative. For 15 years active in European networks, the Lobby and European programs for our region in the east of the Netherlands. Together with companies and knowledge institutions, we are always looking for European partners to strengthen the European economy. We do this from a joint profile: Th!nk East. The Vanguard Initiative is one of the important players in this for us.

Andrzej Czulak
PhD, currently Leader of the Polish Cluster of Composite Technology, has over 20 years of experience in the composite technology industry. He focused on designing manufacturing technologies of structures for hydrogen transport and storage as a researcher at the Technische Universität Dresden, Institute fur Leichtbau und Kunststofftechnik, and as a managing director in Polish and German companies in the composite materials industry. Founder and President in 2016 of the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies (Polski Klaster Technologii Kompozytowych), which brings together 100 companies and institutions, and which was awarded the status of National Key Cluster in 2021. Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Committee on Materials Engineering and Metallurgy and the Malopolska Innovation Council.

Bastian Brenken

Lars Gutheil
He joined the network of German chambers of Industry and Commerce in 2004 after working as a journalist before. From 2006 to 2015 he headed the public relations and member marketing departments of AHK Netherlands in The Hague. After four years as deputy CEO of AHK Baltic States in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, Gutheil took on the role of CEO of the AHK Poland in Warsaw.

Rainer Müller

Thomas Heber
Since 2011: Managing Director Cluster CU Ost of Composites United e.V.
Since 2016: Customer Success Manager at LZS GmbH
Since 2019: CEO of Composites United Leichtbau-Forschung gGmbH (AiF research association)

Daniel Chade
PhD, engineer / scientist professional with 12 years experience on hydrogen and fuel research and development activities. His scientific interests focus mostly on solid oxide fuel cell technology and general aspects of hydrogen/fuel cell technology commercialization. During his career he worked for industrial companies Elcogen Oy (Finland), PGE S.A. and academia University of Strathclyde (UK), University of Southampton (UK), Smith College (US). In 2020 he joined HydrogenTech Sp. z o.o. where he holds a position of Test and Validation Lead

Jana Gebauer
University of Technology Chemnitz B. Sc. in Sports Engineering.
University of Technology Chemnitz M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.
Since 2016 Fraunhofer Institute of Material and Beam Technology IWS Dresden, since 2019 PhD student.

Erich Fries
He works a HRC Group as Director of Global Business Development to coordinate the global activities with development Partners and customers.

Holgar Seidlitz
Prof., he is director of the research division Polymeric Materials and Composites PYCO of Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Polymer Research IAP in Wildau near Berlin. He also holds the chair of Polymer-based Lightweight Design at Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg. He has been studying mechanical engineering at both Lausitz University of Technology Senftenberg and Chemnitz University of Technology where he made his doctorate degree in 2013.

Mathias Köhler
He studied chemistry at the Friedrich Schiller Universitiy Jena till 2012. Afterwards he did his PhD thesis also in Jena on the field of organometallic chemistry with the research focus on synthesis of alkaline earth metal based catalysts for polymerization reactions. After finishing his PhD 2015 he went to the Fraunhofer Intitute for applied polymer research IAP and investigated optical polymers, light weight structures and UV curing systems. Since 2019 he is leader of the group „structural testing and analytics” at the research division polymeric materials and composites PYCO at the Fraunhofer IAP.

Maik Gude
Since 2014, Prof. Maik Gude holds the Chair of Lightweight Design and Structural Assessment, and in this role is a member of the management board of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology of the Technische Universität Dresden.
He also leads the following scientific entities:
- Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) Dresden “Lightweight Structures and Materials and Robust Design“ since 2016,
- Field of competence „Lightweight Design/Exterior” of the Automotive Cluster Ostdeutschland (ACOD) since 2015,
- BMBF Research and Technology Centre for Resource-Efficient Lightweight Structures for the E-Mobility (FOREL) since 2013,
- Research Complex “European Centre for Emerging Materials and Processes (ECEMP)” within the Saxony Excellence Initiative and of the associated International Graduate School (IGS) since 2009.
Furthermore, Prof. Maik Gude is a member of the following scientific associations: Scientific Alliance of the University Professors of Plastics Technology (WAK), Materials Research Network Dresden (MFD).

Michele Ferrazzini
He received the “Laurea” degree in Electric Engineering from the Politecnico of Milan, in 1992. From 1992 until today, he worked in the power generation industry in some of the world largest companies in this field, from Ansaldo Energia to ABB, from Alstom (now GE) to Sadelmi. He worked on energy projects in four continents, ranging from fossil to renewable energies, from hydro to coal, from gas to biomass, from photovoltaic to wastes, from geothermal to pumping storage. In the latest 13 years, he joined ESE, a consultancy and engineering company devoted to the power generation, energy storage and hydrogen, starting as Technical Manager and becoming Partner in 2013 and Managing Director in 2015. Since 2018, ESE has started working in the field of green H2 (RES, production, storage, transport, end use and other aspects) carrying out many different studies and projects, co-creating a dedicated international H2 think-tank (Econscience-H2) and becoming a member of the Italian H2IT Association (through the Consortium STREAM).

Laura Semprini
I am 28 years old, and I strongly believe in the integration of hydrogen in our society, even if I recognize the challenge we will have to face in the next years. Given my previous experience as a research fellow at the Milan Politecnico University, ESE gave me the opportunity to become the „Hydrogen Woman” of ESE. My desire is at the moment to acquire the best knowledge basis on hydrogen technology in order to help with this transition. I have been working on various feasibility studies of green hydrogen production (from small projects to 600MW mega-project), I’ve been the responsible for the development of an internal ESE SW for the optimization of the renewables to reduce the LCOH of green hydrogen, I am supervising a master thesis on new kind of hydrogen storage and I have the chance to participate in the weekly meetings of a think tank (Econscience-H2) entirely centered on hydrogen.

Sergio Torriani
He is hydrogen enthusiast for reasonable application and President of the board of Simplifhy SB Srl, first Italian hydrogen solution provider. He has a 25 years experiance in process industry, in automation, IOT, instrumentation. His key roles and experience has been shaped in companiec: GE, Emerson, Schneider, Flowserve, Krohne. He is fully devoted on decarbonizing world through the use of Hydrogen.

Blaž Likozar
Prof., he is a head of the Department of Catalysis and Chemical Reaction Engineering at the National Institute of Chemistry (NIC), leading the programme “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, as well as numerous research projects (15 H2020 / 20 in Horizon Europe alone). His expertise lies (among others) in heterogeneous catalysis materials, modelling, simulation and optimization of process fluid mechanics, transport phenomena and chemical kinetics. He worked at the University of Delaware in 2014–2015 as a Fulbright Program researcher. He has authored >270 articles, was cited >5000 times, having a h-index of 36.

Nina Meglič
She is the Head of Project Management Office at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Štajerska as well as national coordinator of the Strategic Research and Innovation Partnership (SRIP) – Networks for the Transition to a Circular economy. SRIP is a cluster of 90 members from academia, research, companies and NGOs aimed to establish new value chains according to the economic principles of closed material flows. Nina has more than 10 years of experience in EU project management, especially in the research and innovation field related to circular economy, bio-economy and sustainable development.